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Kiwi in England

Updated: Nov 21, 2019

My final destination from an epic 3 month adventure. I wrote enough notes to aid me in writing about England after waiting so long to post this story. Without further anticipation, my last week on the other side of the world:

I arrived early Friday evening and was picked up by my mate (Sai). We met surfing the Dunedin waves in NZ. It was only fitting that I visit him for a surf weekend. We went to his parents house for me to freshen up and for him to collect his gear. While I waited I was treated with a Sri Lanka dinner and insights into my next wishlist destination. The night crept up and, with a 4 hour drive ahead of us, we needed to get going . On the way we met Sai's friends - Vinay, Nihal, Juhil, and Mike - to travel to Devon with us for the weekend. After meeting and greeting we loaded up in to the cars and were away. Sai and I spent the whole time swapping stories and talking life. We managed to arrive just before 3am and spent some time chatting with the crew. Unfortunately, the tiredness of my travels crashed the late night hangout. We all decided to call it a night as we tried to get some zzzzzzzzz's for our surf day ahead.

The sun was shining - a rare sight in England - and we jumped up to get down to the beach. The Putsborough Beach was the second best beach I'd found on my trip (the first being in the South of France). Once we hired our suits and boards we did a long walk to avoid the busy side of the beach. The stretch of sand seemed to go on for miles. After 20 minutes of walking we were ready to dive in to the water. I don't think I stopped smiling since the moment I got in. We were in the water for a few hours before our stomachs gave way and began to grumble. We went in search for something that would ease our tummies and came across the beach cafe. To my dismay I chose a Cornish pastie over fish n chips. Even though Devon is nearby Cornwall I have to return to the original place for a true pastie. After fueling up we still had an hour to enjoy the water with solid sets consistently coming by. It was a day well spent, especially considering there was expected rain tomorrow. In the evening we had a classic British pub meal followed by a games night.

We awoke to a rainy day - the usual UK weather. Instead of going to the beach we went pub hopping through the day. Who knew that good company, good food, and good beer could make time pass so quickly. We spent hours in the pub until we got asked to move for the evening's dinner reservation. The funny thing was that we had only planned to grab some brunch from the pub. With full bellies we took a walk in the moody backdrop of the British coast. Our day seemed to be food centered as we found our way in the nearby township for a late night dinner. By chance, we had stumbled upon a big night out to celebrate the last day of surfing party - an ending to the amazing summer season. Our feet found the dance floor and we took it by storm. As we cut shapes more people came to fill the space till it was crammed pack. The best recipe for enjoyment starts with stepping outside your comfort zone and then you can let yourself have the most fun.

After many late nights we had a late start on our last day for a surf. It was a choppy day and the waves were quite rough. In the end it was only the lads who went for a final surf while the girls and I enjoyed a stroll along the beach. It was fair to say we were all exhausted and in need of sleep but we stormed on with a long drive home. I had to get dropped to the tube to get to Nottinghill. It just so happened that my friend from NZ was staying there with a bed for me to crash on for the night. I walked through the carnage of Nottinghill Carnival. I know, sorry Mum & Dad for walking around late at night, but there were plenty of cops hanging around so I was safe. The residue of the street party reminded me of Dunedin's Hyde St party. A difference between these street parties is that Nottinghill Carnival is one of the world's largest official street parties. I managed my way to my friends house and was overjoyed to be reunited with a comfy bed to relax in.

As my friend and I woke up we took the dog for a walk; relishing on shared memories and laughing at the stories from our travels as we watched the dog chase squirrels. Ronnie (my NZ mate) had some life admin to get through which gave me the perfect opportunity to take some time out for myself. Toward the end of my travels I had become more weary. I refreshed with some sleep before packing to get ready to go off to another friend's house. I had plans to meet Caitlin (my soul sister) who I had met on her travels around NZ during the past summer. After a quick cuppa with Ronnie I went off on the tube and train as I made my way to Crawley. It was one of the best reunions with a friend from overseas that I've had yet. We hurried back to her house for me to met her family and have some dinner. We tried to have some late night catch ups but my travels had buggered me out and we had to put a pause on our chats until I was less zombie like.

Caitlin and I had a chill day around Crawley as a way to finish all the catch up chats we needed to have. This was a day that had no major events other than getting a haircut and having a movie night. In all honesty, it was bliss to rest and enjoy the feeling of a home.

Since we had such a relaxed day yesterday, we hustled in the morning to get out in to London City. We explored the knooks and crevices of the London streets and underground. There were some awesome underground vintage shops and eye-catching buskers. There is never a dull moment in this City of life. We tried to hit all the major stops on the way (other than Big Ben and the London eye - because that seemed a bit overrated). I have found I prefer the local feel of a place than ticking off the touristic pit-stops off the list. A major highlight of our London strolls was going to The Breakfast Club's secret underground cocktail bar which can only be accessed with a secret password. Once we had a couple of drinks we made our way to meet Caitlin's boyfriend for some street food dinner. It is incredible to think of all the activities you can do in this lively City.

With the sun-shinning we jumped out of bed and made our way to Brighton. This was my favourite town that I went to while in England. The seaside view was a sight for sore eyes. Being by the ocean always reminds me of home. We casually dawdled around; falling upon more vintage stores and cafes with hipster flairs. This would be a major recommendation as a travel location if you're planning a visit to the UK. That night we decided to go out to town for a dance. We went out to Brixton to a rooftop bar with a buzzing club below. The music was on point and so were the skilled dancers. If anyone knows how to enjoy a party it are people from London. Caitlin and I made it home before the sun came up for some much needed sleep.

With no plans for my final day, other than catching my flight, we relaxed and recovered. It was the chilliest day of my journey. We ate and lounged around, with one break to take the dogs for a walk. It was a sad farewell to my soul sister but I am very blessed that I got the opportunity to see her, and all the other gorgeous people I'd met, again. I was dropped at the airport and left to reminisce and think of all my adventures. I kept my baggage light (around 14kgs) for 3 months but I had collected new friendships and more memories than I can count. This blog does not do justice for each little moment I shared with people along the way. In all honesty, each post from my journey has become my online journal to jolt my mind to remember all the great times I had around Europe. Maybe this will inspire you to get out and travel yourself. I hope it does. The world has so much to offer if you make the time to get outside of your comfort zone. I said this before I left, and I will say it again, you don't have to leave your country to discover yourself or do some self-growth. All you have to do is be reflective. Start today and put yourself in situations where you will be exposed to new experiences. Each day, you have the opportunity to say yes and grasp at a new experience but only you can put yourself in a position to grow and be the best version of yourself. There is a lot that I learnt through my 3 months in Europe and I will share that in my next post - once I've recovered from my move to start work in Australia. If you have any questions about where I went or are wanting any location/activity recommendations from the places I traveled to then leave a comment.

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


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