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Kiwi in England

My final destination from an epic 3 month adventure. I wrote enough notes to aid me in writing about England after waiting so long to...

Kiwi in Switzerland

This next post has taken me awhile to write, so, settle in and make yourself comfortable as you read 3 weeks worth of travel in and out...

Kiwi in Belgium

The roads in to Belgium were jammed with traffic. When we finally reached the Atomium I was overjoyed to have reached our destination...

Kiwi in Holland

Before I begin, let me clarify a couple of things. The Netherlands = Holland = The Netherlands; Dutch is the spoken language. I found out...

Kiwi in Norway

My long bus ride was the perfect opportunity for me to replenish my energy. I always go for the backseat of a bus to sleep. Am I missing...

Kiwi in Stockholm

I know I can't write about all the little stories that go on through my travels. This section is more like a highlight reel of my...

Kiwi in Jutland

I went to the mainland (Jutland) to see my great mate, Morapedi. We met when he came to study in NZ for a semester. It would have been...

Kiwi in København

It has almost been a month of travelling and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Turns out the big, bad world isn't all that big or bad....

Kiwi in Budapest

Travel Tip - take night buses (if you can sleep on transport)! I left Split on the evening of the big football game - Croatia v...

Kiwi in Dalmatia

Where do I even begin? I travelled with Mama Trace to Zadar via Rijeka. It was an early start with a 5 hour stop over in Rijeka. As Mama...

Kiwi in Slavonia & Istria

Wow, what a difference going to Croatia. Have you visited here before? Well, the Croatian language is a whole new ball game. I was...

Kiwi in Veneto

I was born to travel. My preferential travel style would have been to reside in one foreign place until I became a local. As fun as it is...

Kiwi in Tuscany

The second flight was a bit of a push. I ended up falling asleep at 7pm (local Italy time) and was considerably less comfortable. Most...

Kiwi in Hong Kong (HK)

First flight to HK & all I can say is..I love flying. It is a metal tube that forces you to have some 'you' time. There are movies...

Flying Solo

One more week and I will be travelling Europe. This will be my first big trip alone. With the last few days creeping forward I am feeling...

Love conquers Lonlieness

There'll come a time when you feel her presence. Like a thief in the night, unexpected, at you door, uninvited; knowing that you were...

You Don't Wash Your Hair? Gross.

A little over a year ago I was taking a 400-level paper at University, it changed my life. This paper had a focus on adventure and...

Be Selfish

Be selfish so that you can give more. How can we be selfish yet still give? It starts by redefining our perception of selfishness. I...

How to get Instant motivation

Whether you are aware of it or not, it IS the little things that add up and contribute to your health. For me, this is waking up early to...

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