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Kiwi in Veneto

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

I was born to travel. My preferential travel style would have been to reside in one foreign place until I became a local. As fun as it is attempting to communicate with others with my limited Italian phrases and words, I just think, how wonderful would it be to be mistaken as a local through semi-fluent conversation. With these thoughts I caught my next train from Milan bound for Treviso. This is one of the locations I decided to use CouchSurfer. An app which allows people to host or hang out with travellers. I found a nice host in Treviso; it was proving difficult to find a host in Venezia. Edu was incredibly helpful, kind and a wise host. We shared lunch together before he gave me advice on seeing the City. We planned to meet up later at an English Speaking gathering that happens on a Monday and Wednesday for good food, wine, and conversation.

River Sile, Treviso

I quickly became smitten for Treviso. The canals that lazily flowed through the city, the picturesque streets, and the people. When I went to the Aperitivo (a warm up to dinner) I met so many lovely people. A sassy Canadian, a socialite Australian, spirited Argentinians, and mysterious Italians. A small group of us remained to the end, the bar had to kick us out as they tried closed up. Any plan on going home at a reasonable hour was swatted away by Hannah (Australian).

I eagerly accepted the invitation to go to the next bar. I swiftly became a passenger on Estivan's (Argentinian) bicycle to avoid the walk. We laughed through the streets, racing to the next bar. Drinks were poured and conversation flowed. It was around dinner time (9.30pm Italian time) as we drunk beer or local Presseco with our cheesy paninis. Bright smiles and tired eyes called the night to an end. I was overjoyed with having met such beautiful people and made plans with David (Canadian) and Massimo (Italian) to meet after my Venezia adventures.

The sun woke up bright and early to show off the beauty of the morning. I promptly got ready and, just like a local, caught the bus to the train station to excitedly explore Venezia. The moment I stepped out of the station, to see the sun shining on Venezia, I was in awe. I browsed the markets, admired the buildings, and got lost in the maze of small streets. Despite the rush of tourists (even early in the morning) I highly rate Venezia. I only explored a small section of it and look forward to my return.

Mary's Little Lamb, Venezia

Upon my arrival back in Treviso, David and I drove until we found a relaxing waterfall to share a conversation and created a podcast. There is yet to be a Canadian I met that I haven't got along with. We decided to make a muffin stop instead of going to a winery as an isolated thunderstorm rolled over. Then we went to relax at Massimo's apartment (David's good friend). Luckily David was their to graciously translate, which allowed an inclusive flow of conversation. Since Massimo grew up around Treviso he knew exactly where to go for dinner that would provide an authentic Italian meal. The food was delicious but don't ask me what we got - I'd have no idea the name of each Italian dish. One thing to remember when following the Italia way, dinner will always be a 2hour event. The perfecto finish to the evening was a whiskey nightcap.

In the morning I had mixed emotions on leaving Treviso. I had not chosen this City, it chose me. Originally I wanted to stay in the heart of Venezia. However, I am beyond grateful that I wound up in Treviso to meet the most wonderful people. Italy has truly captured my heart and captivated my soul. I will definitely return to Italia. Especially since I didn't see enjoy a slice of Trieste when I went there to catch my bus to Zagreb, Croatia.

Farewell Italia, forever in my heart. You will not be forgotten, our memories will live on in our dreams and stories <3

Next stop --> Croaita

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


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