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Kiwi in Norway

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

My long bus ride was the perfect opportunity for me to replenish my energy. I always go for the backseat of a bus to sleep. Am I missing something? Does anyone know the reason why no one else uses the opportunity to stretch out and sleep at the back of the bus. Fortunately, I was able to capitalise on my sleep without any disturbances. I knew that I was bound for Norway when the bus driver made the welcoming announcement to inform us of the snacks and beverages available for purchase, including beer. Despite the time being 9:30am in Scandanavia it would be 5pm somewhere in the world. I passed on having an early morning drink to sleep instead. After an 8 hour journey I arrived in Oslo and found my way to the train to see my sweetest friend, Nina. We met when Nina came to study for a semester in New Zealand. With similar interests in the outdoors and goofy humour I was overjoyed at the chance to visit her and her family. That night we caught up on life until our tired eyes could not stay open any longer. That didn't matter too much as we had planned to spend the entire next day together.

When I woke up I gathered my bag for the day and hustled down the road to meet Nina. She was already at work and she had managed to get the two-seater car for me to join her on her Postie Route. She delivered mail in Hurdal - a forest filled area. The perfect backdrop to chat and hangout. It was a fun day together, probably more fun for me since I haven't been working for the past weeks. As soon as we finished we raced home, got changed, and went to the wharf to enjoy the sunny weather on the lake. Nina's Dad, Pappa Østby, joined us for the chill afternoon. We swam and bathed on the boat for the remainder of the day, a life that I could get use to. However, we didn't stay till sunset since I had to get ready for my trip the next day and help Nina plan our upcoming trip for the weekend. I luckily had another friend I knew in Norway who happily let me visit so that I wouldn't make Nina tired for work each day. We finalised our plans that night while indulging on Norwegian styled waffles - the toppings consisted of strawberry jam and sour cream OR brunost (a distinct carmalised tasting cheese common in Norwegian households). Make sure you try the waffle toppings before you screw your nose up at them.

The next day I was up early to take the bus to Notodden-. It was a short 2 hour trip that allowed me time to talk to friends before arriving at the small township. I loved getting an opportunity to explore more of Norway, especially to a town that I probably wouldn't have had a reason to visit. I went to Anders house and met his lovely family while we all caught up over a delicious BBQ meal. I spent as much time as possible to chat with Anders knowing that he would work during the days. It had been over a year since we last saw each other when he studied in Dunedin for a semester. He gave me recommendations of the sights to visit in the quiet neighbourhood of Notoden - it involved a lot of walking. With a lot of spare time I would happily walk anywhere.

The sun shone brightly, welcoming anyone to enjoy the beauty of outdoors. I enjoyed my stroll through town and made my way to the largest Stave Church in Norway - Heddal Stave Church. It was such a unique looking building and not like any other Christian church I had seen in Europe. Nearby was Heddal Bygdetum, another open air museum to showcase Norwegian history. By the time I had seen both places it was very warm in the day and I wished I had a bike to go back with instead of walking for another 1 and a 1/2 hours. I managed to walk past a bus stop at the exact time of an incoming bus, I hoped on only to find out they couldn't accept international cards for payment. The bus driver took pity on me and told me to hop on. Her justification was that it was too hot for anyone to be walking. The trip only took a mere 15 minutes. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading a book in the sunshine until a thunderstorm rolled over. This meant we weren't able to go out for a fish on the boat when everyone came home from work. Instead, we watched a movie and relaxed with a quiet night indoors. Even though it was such a simple thing, I craved watching a movie. It gave me a sense of being at home and having the ability to relax.

My last day in Notodden and I had woken up feeling sick. No doubt because of all the sugar and carbs I've been feeding my body for the last month. I was determined to make the most of the sunny day and I embarked on a grueling walk which should have been simple. In total I was out for a very long 2 hours all because I trusted Google Maps. Whilst travelling I have been very weary of using Google Maps as a reliable source to find the most appropriate walking path. In this instance, I was taken up a car-only road and was given many strange looks. Surprisingly, I stumbled upon my destination and made it to the top Eikeslak for a view over Notodden. Only on my way down did I discover the true walkways. It was a lot faster navigating myself down via the appropriate pedestrian streets. I arrived at home just in time for everyone to get back from work. With my stomach sickness settled we packed up to go out for a boat trip on the lake. It was a warm afternoon but the sun hid away just as we went out. That didn't stop us from enjoying the sandy beach. We called it a day and went home with just enough time to chill before Nina came to pick me up. We had a short Friday roadtrip that was packed with excitement as we headed to the mountains!

Before Nina and I farewelled Notodden we made a pit-stop for the infamous pick-and-mix lolly selection from CandyKing. The candy on offer was indulgent and I was more addicted to it than Freia Melkesjokolade - the brand of chocolate that I have been waiting to taste again since it was shipped to Nina in NZ. We drove through the spectacular scenery of forests, lakes, and mountains. This country has been my favourite to visit so far. Even without seeing the most stunning parts of Norway I know that I will soon return to explore the West Country and Northern Norway. For the weekend, Nina and I relished in the mountain top views and the fresh forest air. It was such a treat to have a weekend to chill out with such a good friend at their special getaway. On our way back I was lucky enough to finally enjoy a classic Scandinavian dish of meatballs, potatoes, and sauce. The thing that made the meal was the Lingenberry sauce. The weekend had tired both of us out but I was fortunate enough to have Monday to rest, talk to loved ones, and squeeze in some sleep.

The rest of the week had me explore the south-west part of Norway - Stavanger, Klepp, and Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock). I stayed with Tonje, who I met when she studied in Dunedin, and explored with her sister and friends. The day I arrived we went to the beach for a refreshing dip in the brisk ocean. We waited for the afternoon to explore to Pulpit rock - in hopes that it would be cooler and there would be less tourists. We were wrong. The view of the Lysenfjorden was breathtaking despite everyone trying to get the perfect photo. Our late nights were filled with watching movies and trying more common Norwegian dishes like: Rømmegrøt, Risengrynsgrøt, Grandiosa Pizza, and Komle. Each day had a new adventure. Whether it was walking up Mattirudla, or visiting a friend who also studied in NZ (Maren) who showed me around the area, or enjoying various food at the Stavanger food festival. It was a packed few days and I was so grateful to the kind hospitality I was given!

My last weekend in Norway was fully focused with spending time with Nina and her family. As soon as everyone got home on Friday we were off to the boat. Nina and I stayed the night on the boat and there is something beyond relaxing about sleeping on the lake. I had the best nights sleep. It was a good thing we were feeling refreshed since we had plans to help Pappa Østby babysit the two gorgeous grandkids. There was no lack of laughter, swimming, or play. It was absolute best way to finish my time in Norway - plus the waffles with brunost when we got back on Sunday night. I have loved each moment with the Østby family and am not sad about leaving because I am set on coming back to enjoy a real winter. Thank you to everyone who made my stay in Norway memorable. See you soon.

Next Stop --> Amesterdam, Netherlands

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