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Flying Solo

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

One more week and I will be travelling Europe. This will be my first big trip alone. With the last few days creeping forward I am feeling a build up of emotions - excitement, nervous, anxious, joy, contentment. In all honesty, it feels surreal. There's a lot of uncertainty in my future which means there is a lot of "opportunity for growth" - as my Mum says on repeat. Like most mothers, she is right. Being outside of your comfort zone is the first step to learning about yourself and gaining new, memorable life-experiences. I genuinely believe that you can develop and grow by stepping out of your comfort zone in small ways everyday.

If you are thinking of going on a solo travel then I commend you. This earth has so many breathtaking moments to share with us. In my last week of preparation I am in full gear to make sure I am planned, packed and ready to go. The most nerve-wracking part of going overseas is the desire to leave room for spontaneity. I haven't booked many of my trains or buses across countries but am hoping that I will figure it out while I'm over there. Keep in mind, solo travel is different for everyone. I am lucky enough that for the majority of places I visit I will be staying with people. I can rest assured that I will get internet and local knowledge (as long as I make it to my friends' houses in the first place).

I am someone who packs well in advance. I am always in fear of forgetting something - I discovered that my universal adapter was missing the European adapter head. That would have been a rookie error. If you are about to jet off then make sure you pack, repack, and write a list (if you are a lists person). This is a photo of what I took for my 3 months overseas.


- 12x undies, 4x bras, 3x Socks

- 3x shoes

- Warm outer layer/jacket

- Shorts, Skirt, + Jeans

- 2x Workout outfits

- Rain/wind proof jacket

- 5x tops

- Towel

- Toiletries/Makeup

- Electronics

- Scarf

- Backpack

- Journals

When flying solo you have to be accountable for your things. So be wise and gain wisdom by learning from others. If you want to learn how to be a light-packer or a frugal traveler then get online. Numerous travelers have paved the way before you and made blogs, videos, and vlogs about how they did it. Although I haven't commenced my journey I have already gathered a few tips I can pass on. Take them if you will.

My greatest tips:

- Research the places you are going to (what do you want to see/do, where are the bus terminals and train stations, what events are free, what is the currency). These basics will allow you to make the most of your time while exploring.

- Budget. Keeping an eye on how much you have to spend and applying your budget. Make sure you compensate for what you may lose through exchange rates and transaction fees. Plus emergency money for transport/accommodation/medical reasons.

- Travel light. Pack what you think you need, then take away 1/3. After you have organised your bag, unpack and take away 5 more items. We don't need as much as we think we do. I have a 10kg backpack with a 5kg carry on - I still think I have packed too much!

- Print your documents! Your itinerary, passport copies, insurance policy, and flights. This will help you in the long haul.

- Make sure you know how to get to your accommodation. Download offline maps prior to arriving. This will make it easier to get to your hostel/hotel/B&B/Couchsurf accommodation.

I watched a lot of youtube videos that gave advice about travelling for my specific areas. We can utilise the information and experience of others. It helps create a picture of what travel in the uncertain looks like. I really like travel bloggers and influencers Hey Nadine and Sorelle Amore (links below). Finding people who have been there and done that are a fantastic resource, make the most of it. Also, take it with a grain of salt. Everyone will have different experiences and tastes. The best way to find recommendations is asking locals when you arrive. If you ask three locals the same question (e.g. where is the best art gallery in the City?) you will be able to narrow down the majority preference from reliable local knowledge.

What are you waiting for? Stop making excuses and start making your next plans. Go and search the place you are most desiring to visit - comment below and share where you want to go next and why. Let's get travel inspired together.

If you have any questions about how I planned my trip or tips on how you can do it then comment or send an email.

Until then,

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


Hey Nadine

Sorelle Amore

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