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Kiwi in Budapest

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

Travel Tip - take night buses (if you can sleep on transport)!

I left Split on the evening of the big football game - Croatia v Argentina. I've managed to time my trip for (arguably) the biggest sporting event in Europe. As I was bound for Budapest on my night bus I heard the news of Croatia's win, it would have been a wild night. I woke up in a new country and eager to see my good friend, Petra. The last time we saw each other would have been one year ago when she studied in Dunedin. It was amazing to be reunited. We spent the first few hours at her home spinning yarns and sharing stories. There is nothing as comforting, for someone away from home, than to be warmly welcomed in to a friend's home. That afternoon we drove around to see the sights of Buda and Pest from Citadella. There is always something going on in Budapest that gives life to the City. For this particular weekend, the Redbull airrace was in top gear. It was incredible to watch from the lookout. After soaking in the sights we wandered around the Varosliget (City Park) to look at the Vajdahunyad Castle. It was just my luck that there were markets in the Park. I eagerly tried the street food. My first taste of Hungary was Lángos and Kürtőskalács. I would recommend Lángos to everyone!

We went home for an evening ciesta to prepare for our big night out. Petra's brother, Andre, was an event planner/manager. That night he had organised a party at a museum. We got ready and went to this alternative and vibey place. It was a great night of dancing to the talented Hungarian and international DJs. The one thing I appreciate about this party (it may not be true of all Hungarians) but everyone seemed to be accepting of others. If you felt like dancing like a fish then you dance like a fish as much as you like. It probably helped that I was with the good company of Petra and her friends Kris and Flora. We had a late night and headed home to get some needed sleep.

Our morning began at noon after a restful lie in. Petra is a Masterchef when it comes to making omelettes. After a relaxed start to the day it was time to begin exploring. We went into the City to be greeted by the grunty, belly-roars of racing planes. It was epic. A captive audiences watched as the pilots danced in the sky with their deathly precise calculations, making crisp turns and rotations. We picked up a couple city bikes to make our way around Pest. We adventured around at a slow pace on the bikes to get a real sense of the City. The city hummed with life and excitement. At each turn we met a magnificent building that would tower boastfully above you. The buildings in Budapest are not as tall as other cities, since they have to remain under the height of the parliament building. However, their grand and regal nature made them appear larger than life. We dropped off the bikes to stroll through Pest - stumbling upon a park with large screens for viewing the football worldcup matches. After watching an epic win by Belgium, we carried on to the breathtaking St. Stephen's Basillica. With great eagerness, we trekked up the 364 steps to get the best vantage point of the city. Highly recommend for any traveler.

St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest, Hungary

The sun was getting tired in the sky so we decided to head home; mouths watering knowing what delicious food, from Mama Varkonyi, was waiting for us. Fortunately, we had time to recollect and recharge before a tribute concert (for The Doors) that night. We regathered ourselves and were off. Side note, watch out for the wildly reckless taxi drivers. Thankfully, we made it alive to our destination. Petra's friends, Eshti and Kris, were awaiting our arrival inside. Having only recognised one song of The Doors I was interested to hear the style of music. The band was fantastic straight from the get-go. The lead singer was a confident performer and easily won over the audience, including myself. It wasn't long before everyone starting dancing and singing along. I was caught out by the singer when he saw Petra and I not singing the lyrics - he gave us a look to say "How are you at a tribute concert and not know the words?!". At the end of the day, I am sure he was happy that we were having such a great time. When the concert was over we met another couple of friends, Luca and Dillon, who came with us to the next bar. Budapest nightlife has epic, open 'moon' bars as they do not have roofs.

We danced the night away and hopped to a couple more bars. At the last bar we were at I had a note worthy experience. There was a long line to the bar for which I was happy to wait in. Petra and two of her friends were less convinced about standing around for that long so they went to get water. Eshti, Dillon, and I were chatting until a lady (also with short hair) came over and interrupted our conversation. She apologised for interrupting and then proceed to compliment my hairstyle. To which she pulled me out of line and, very calmly, directing me to follow her. She took me to the very front of the line and ushered me to go in with a wave of her hand and dismissive word to the bouncers. I happily went in, took ten steps, and thought "This was cool but I am all alone". I turned back and went to the bouncers, who found my return hilarious as they shared remarks to one another in Hungarian. I insisted that I needed my friends inside with me and was able to get all 5 mates past the line and in to the bar. We rejoiced and enjoyed our final drink together before making our way home. The dawn chorus of birds sung to the rising sun as we crawled deeply in to our beds. 

The lazy sun was kind enough not to disturb our slumber until midday when it began shinning brightly. We decided against attacking the day from the moment we woke up, instead, our feet dragged along the floor as we took an easy two hours to truly wake up. With our Sunday evening plans set, we enjoyed the afternoon by visiting the Castle and Fishermans Bastion (a top on my 'To-See' list). It was glorious. The sun had snuck behind the cloud cover which provided pleasant strolling weather. With no rush we walked through the castle and marveled at the sights. We could overlook Pest from the Buda side. It was an enjoyable afternoon and we decided to go home to pick up Andre on route to a hang out by the Danube. A hidden commune of hippies and traditional goulash warmly welcomed us. With the comforting reggae songs of the outdoors commune we watched groups cook goulash over fire pits. It was easy to enjoy the sunset over the Danube as it was two steps away from our venue. Due to the previous late night we didn't stay out for too long before we went home and enjoyed some more food from the best Hungarian cook I know - Mama V.

Monday marked my last full day in Budapest. It was another easygoing day to really enjoy some quality time with Petra. She came to New Zealand at the start of 2017 and we lived together. It was wonderful to now see her in her natural environment. With such a like-minded friend, it is easy to get lost in good conversation. I felt so well rested from my stay in Budapest and so thankful for the amazing family I got to spend time with. That night we shared in each other's company over the best meal I've had so far. Who knew that cold, sour cherry soup would be such a life changing experience. I cannot wait to return and visit this beautiful family again. It was another early night to catch up on the lost sleep. 

My last day in Budapest was like them all, very chilled and relaxed. We sought out an old vintage shop in Buda to find hidden gems. When our hunt came to an end we popped in to an underground shop for me to get my first tattoo. I enjoyed my finally Hungarian meal of chicken and tried a sweet treat of Kreme that is creamy goodness. With my belly full, and my heart content, it was time to take a final drive with Petra to the airport. I said my farewells, reassured I would see them all again, and boarded my flight to Kobenhaven.

Next Stop --> København, Denmark

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


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