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Kiwi in Hong Kong (HK)

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

First flight to HK & all I can say is..I love flying. It is a metal tube that forces you to have some 'you' time. There are movies galore, people catering for you, you can catch up with offline life-admin, or simply hit the hay. It is amazing to think how our life choices lead us to have new adventures. This first adventure began with a midnight flight.

The moment I felt most relaxed was when they handed out a glass of wine. A calming nightcap. I was so relaxed when I woke up that I decided against the morning mimosa.

Keeping a calm mind with an easygoing attitude will get you miles further than worrying and stressing about what cannot be changed. Nothing can prepare you for what's around the corner but know that it will all work out.

View of Hong Kong

Let's talk about HK. It is busy. Not only in the sense that there's a lot of people but every where you turn there are bright colours, boldly dressed people, and flashing neon lights. I was getting whiplash trying to take it all in. The transit in to the city from the airport is a breeze that eases you in to the hive of the city. Luckily, my Aunty met me at the station since I somehow lost my train ticket in the process of getting off the train (hopefully someone picks it up and makes use of the return ticket). My Aunty graciously came to my rescue as she got me through the gates and into the concrete jungle. I didn't feel jet-lagged due to this secret: timing. Timing when you sleep on the plane and when you have your first decent caffeine hit. After a refreshment pit stop my Aunty took me in to the City where I remained safely inside the malls so I wouldn't get lost while I went unsupervised.

I had a successful afternoon of adventuring. I wandered the streets in Jordan until I got uncomfortably hot in the midday heat. I was really captivated by the streets. It would be fair to say that my bald hair choice attracted a lot of attention - with people doing neck-braking double takes. I enjoyed the views of HK within my Aunty and Uncles peaceful tower apartment; with the humble air-con working overtime to keep me cool.

ICC Ozone Bar, Hong Kong

My cousin got back from school and we prepared for our dumpling date in town. All I was really thinking about was how would I be able to stay awake until 3am that morning to accurately achieve my jetlag-prevention sleep? After an authentic Asian meal it was time to say goodnight to the lil cuz and enjoy a drink at the ICC OZONE Bar. The view from the bar was spectacular and the cocktails were a great night cap. I strategically selected a lavender drink to help set the sleepy mood of my upcoming flight. With a short train ride to the airport, a delayed flight plus extra nightcap, I was ready to embark on my next adventure.

Next stop --> Pisa, Tuscany

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


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