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Kiwi in Slavonia & Istria

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

Wow, what a difference going to Croatia. Have you visited here before? Well, the Croatian language is a whole new ball game. I was getting use to speaking Italian and now I'm in deep water trying to pick up basic hrvastki. I arrived in Zagreb just before 9pm and decided to enjoy a beer, it was a nice excuse for breaking a 200 Kuna note. The beer was sweet and very drinkable. It was beginning to get dark so I set out to find where I would be staying for the night. My distant relative, who I came to Croatia to meet, lived in Zagreb. However, before I discovered this, I had already accepted a host to stay with for couch surfing.

The city sounded full of life and commotion. I stayed with Petr (a host for couch surfer) and he made Croatia seem less foreign. We drunk quality gin and he introduced me to the Croatian drink - Pelinkovac. The next day it was a beautiful day in Zagreb. Petr was my wonderful tour guide around the city, he had a wealth of knowledge. It was an easy city to explore within 2hours or less. In the mid afternoon I was picked up by my cousin and we enjoyed lunch while planning my trip throughout Croatia. Even though I was in desperate need of sleep we went to meet his beautiful wife in the city for a drink. We drunk, we ate, and we laughed. These two people were absolutely wonderful and I only hope that, one day, I can return their generous hospitality.

I was off early in the morning the next day and had to farewell my new family - they were going away to the coast for the weekend. After our goodbyes I made my way to the Plitvice Lakes National Park. I had 5 hours to make my way around a park which people could spend days in. With my mission set, I was ready to explore as much of the park as I could. The lakes were spectacular. Crystal clear water that gently merged in to green and aqua colours. The bird song filled the forests with the morning at the park being relatively quiet. However, by midday the crowds were swarming in. The park became my playground as I jumped, twirled, and bounded in, through, and around very slow tourists. After 2 steps people would constantly stop for another photo of the same thing. It was ridiculous. I saw some beautiful sights but was shattered from walking after 4 hours and could do no more. I went to catch an earlier bus. I got away just as a thunderstorm kicked in.

I got back to my cousin's empty house and had to do some life admin before heading out for a couple drinks. My main mission was to send my sleeping bag back home. I thought it would be polite to have a sleeping bag as I traveled. I quickly realised that it is not a big hassle for others to let me borrow a simple blanket. Ridding my bag of my sleeping gear freed up 1.8kgs! When my chore was done I meet up with some local couch surfers at a nearby hostel for a drink and met some wonderful friends who were travelling to Pula the next day. It was a wonderful chance meeting. The night was young until a thunderstorm set in. When there was a break in the rain I briskly walked home. I've found Croatia very safe and, in their own way, friendly. I have been beyond grateful to my distant cousin and his wife for looking after me and I am so happy I met such lovely people across the other side of the world.

In the morning I was bound to Pula, Istria. There was a moment where it was a bit touch and go. I was almost not let on the bus for not printing off my ticket (despite not having a printer). I had 15 minutes to run around like a headless chicken to print off a ticket. I managed to successfully print a ticket with no time to spare. After such a rough start to my day I choose to sit next to a nice looking lady. It didn't take long for Tracey and I engage in deep conversation. She had decided to travel on her own around Croatia from England. She became my travel mum as we planned to explore Pula together. She turned my day around! We arrived in Pula and found our hostel before exploring the soft sights of the town. It's ruins were majestic with a soothing seaside view. We walked for hours and worked up an appetite. We followed our stomachs to find a simple seafood restaurant with a live wedding going on in the background. It was a very sweet town straight from a movie. We went back to our Crazy House hostel which was super calm.

The next day I enjoyed a massive sleep in till noon just to refresh and restore myself. I was then ready for the beach day that was planned with Tracey and our Belgium friend, Dylan. You could not have dreamed of a better day for the beach. The clear teal water was more refreshing than the sleep I had. I genuinely believe that "the cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat, or sea water" (quote by Isak Deneris). The beach day was relaxing and we enjoyed a quiet evening at the hostel meeting new friends. We farewelled Dylan and Tracey and I made plans to meet our new friends Dino (Croatian/German) and Rosemonde (French Canadian) in Zadar. The beginning destination for exploring the Dalmatian Coast.

Next stop --> Zadar, Sibenik, & Split

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


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