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You Don't Wash Your Hair? Gross.

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

A little over a year ago I was taking a 400-level paper at University, it changed my life. This paper had a focus on adventure and sustainability. Through the semester I realised how little I knew about our world and how little we have collectively done to truly look after our environment. This prompted me to write a research paper about how having a relationship with nature is good for your health, and it’s true! I’m a keen tramper and an absolute rookie surfer but I stay outdoors because I feel so much better for it. I couldn’t imagine surfing in places where rubbish gets stuck to your legs or go tramping without hearing the stunning chorus of bird songs. This begun my thought process of how I can create changes to live more sustainably aka more earth-friendly.

New Chums beach, Coromandel NZ

One of the most noticeable changes to my everyday routine has been my transition to no-(sham)poo. Yup. That’s right. I haven’t washed my hair in one year. In a nutshell what happens when you go no-poo is: you stop using shampoo, your hair gets greasy, you water-wash your hair everyday, you have healthy and natural hair. There are many methods for a no-poo lifestyle and you will find many begin by using baking soda. This is a gem for anyone out there with fine, oily hair as it strips your hair of oil. As you could imagine it is not the gentlest product to be scrubbing on your scalp. Now, I will warn you, the first 4 – 6 months is a greasy path but well worth it! I save hours in my week not washing my hair and I have gotten better acquainted with what type of hair I have and what it (dis)likes. This my be a strange saying but you become a lot more successful in your life when you start ‘listening to your body’. When you start to hear how your body reacts to certain products or food items you will be amazed with what you discover. Through listening I have discovered my hair solutions!

When you first go no-poo, hats or beanies are your best friends. I was timely with my decision to go no-poo as I began at the end of my University year and had 4 and a bit months off. This saved me from any strife of worrying about what others may think of my greasy hair – if you have more confidence than me, get out there and flaunt those natural oils. A pro-tip through this no-poo journey would encourage you to invest in a decent brush! They say boar-bristle brushes are a great way to distribute oil from the roots to the tips. Most boar brushes are really soft so you may want to find a combination one so you actually feel like you are brushing your hair. Another wise invest would be in a wide tooth (wooden) comb to detangle. When you decide to commit to this oily transition kia kaha (stay strong). These few months of oily hair will save you a lot in the long run. The bonus is you won’t need to buy any more plastic shampoo bottles. That is the reason behind why I went no shampoo. Your reason may differ from mine but you can feel great knowing you are not contributing any more to the vast amount of plastic shampoo/conditioner bottles bought and thrown away!

I don’t wash my hair with shampoo and I couldn’t be happier. My life has been simplified and I enjoy good hair days a majority of the time – ensuring I’m attentive to my hair needs. The key to having lush and healthy hair is getting in the shower and washing your hair with water everyday. Some people may only use water as their no-poo remedy and this is the ideal! To achieve this you may have to consider how you prime your hair, how you wash it, and where you live in the world. Prime your hair by gently brimming/rubbing your fingertips in circular motions on your scalp. This will help spread oil around. After this you should brush your hair to distribute the amount of oil at the roots and helps the rest of your hair have a shine to it. This is similar to what you will do when you are in the shower too! With warm-cold water gently rub your fingertips with good pressure on scalp. I have found if I don’t do this that oil residue will build up which leads to flaking, this looks very similar to dandruff. Lastly, where you live in the world may affect your water quality. In the City I live in, the water quality is very harsh on hair and if I wasn’t a student living in a flat I would invest in a shower-head filter.

My DIY shampoo replacement remedies include:

· TOP PICK (for fine, oily hair): 1 beaten egg with lemon juice (and salt - optional).

· Chamomile tea leaves, 2 – 3 teaspoons. The grit of these leaves would allow a gentle scrub for your scalp. An additional, Keep in mind you need to do some serious brushing once your hair has fully dried to get out the chamomile leaves!

· Black tea, aloe vera gel, salt, lemons, oil with tea tree, and apple cider vinegar. 2 handfuls of Neem leaves w/4-5 C hot water left overnight, strained and rinse OR make it into a paste that's left for an hour in your hair, then rinse.

· 2 Tbs fenugreek soaked overnight in bowl of water and ground to thick paste. Leave in your hair for 45mins then wash.

OR you could move towards a plain water wash. This works when you have give your scalp a good scrubbing everyday under the shower. Timing is everything with this as you have to factor in hair dry times. Obviously, your hair will dry differently based on where you live and what season you’re in. When you begin to alter your lifestyle there will be change. Change can be difficult to integrate in your world but it is inevitable. Embrace it and feel better for the little change you will make in the world. After all, it is the little things that really matter.

Make the decision. Right here, right now. Finish off the last of your shampoo/conditioner and say “No more”. Be done with the waste and plastic. When it comes to making these lifestyle changes, in my case to live more sustainably, I always question how people lived before we had all of these quick methods to live. How did people get by before we had shampoo? They continued living. Somethings are an unnecessary harm to our world all for our gain to live a fast and easy life. It is time we simplify our lifestyle and question why and for who’s benefit we consuming the products that we use.

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<< MB

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