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Kiwi in Tuscany

Updated: Nov 20, 2019

The second flight was a bit of a push. I ended up falling asleep at 7pm (local Italy time) and was considerably less comfortable. Most likely attributed to my sleep deprivation resulting in less tolerance. Landing in Rome I was feeling ok, as if I could last the whole day wide awake. Everything went smoothly as I arrived at Roma Termini until my trusting nature was approached by a woman offering help to those in a busy line. If only I had my wits about me to remember that people aren't helpful for the sake of being helpful. I politefully declined this lady's request for a tip which, in hindsight, was too polite. She insisted for a tip since she gave me train information (which I didn't need). However, I quickly caved and gave her money to get her off my back. Turned out that the information was true but not useful for me. I had a two hour wait in the terminal to collect myself. I decided against a walk around Rome once I felt the combined weight of my bag and carry-on.

Wifi was minimal but my interactions with others have continued to blossom. I've met many Australians amongst my flight who are just as happy to set aside our rivalry to have a conversation with their neighbour from back home. The Roma Termini maintained a constant hustle that I was glad to leave behind. The high speed train was pleasant and made it a lot quicker to get to Pisa. On arrival, my friend's beautiful mother, Marina, was there to greet me. I was taken straight to the leaning tower of Pisa and it was magnifico! The rich history of Tuscana and quaint streets provided a delicious sight for the eyes to feast on. I felt as though I could last the whole day fighting jetlag if I had the chance to see more spectacular sights.

As I was leaving the Leaning Tower of Pisa I stopped in my tracks as I saw a stupendo street artist. His name was Slem (sounds like Slim). He was offended when I apologised for looking at his graffiti art without having any money spend. "Maria! Art is from the heart, from my mind to show people. I do not do for money" as he said this he went back to his seat, ushering me to come and see. He told me to record him create a piece of art. His final product was amazing and we both admired the art for a few minutes. I was so appreciative to talk to such a kind man. As I was walking away he called out to me and beckoned me to come back. Then, the most amazing thing happened, he handed me a small work of his art with no cost. He fervently insisted and told me "I give you this because, today, you chose to see me". His words resonated with me. This world is all about people and our daily interactions. His kindness will be a memorable highlight.

Slem's Street Art

Marina picked me up and took me to their beach house in Tirrenia. I got settled as I awaited the arrival of my favourite Italian - Rita. We flatted with one another when she did a semester abroad to study in Dunedin. To wake myself up, while I waited, I decided to take a refreshing swim in the sea. Much warmer than what it would currently be in NZ. When Rita arrived we enjoyed a common Tuscan dinner before going to Sunset for a drink. It was a bar on a beach! By 11pm I was feeling very stanca (tired).

I woke up the next day (Sat 2nd June) beaming with joy. I had beaten jetlag. I woke up around 9am feeling refreshed and ready to explore. We begun with a traditional breakfast in Pisa; Cappucino and a pastry (diplomatico). I am beginning to learn the unwritten Italian rules e.g. Cappucino is only for the morning accompanied by a pastry. Next we explored the streets of Pisa with Rita's friend until we were tired of tourists. My amazing tour guide, Rita, took me to Lucca for a refreshing walk. It is the Tuscan way to praise slowness. We walked leisurely around the yellow and orange coloured streets. When Rita's boyfriend joined us we sought out authentic Gelato. After window shopping it was time to go home to spend the evening unwinding before dinner. For those of you who are yet to experience local European life, dinner time is from 8pm onwards. Rita took me to a unique food market.

I quickly discovered that a Tuscan market is not like any market I have seen. It is call a Sagra or what I would call a pop-up outdoors restaurant. A very common thing in Tuscany. A Sagra is seasonal and occurs twice a year. This one was hosted by the local people in the rural area of Pisa. They hunted boar in the Tuscan mountains - the backdrop to this outdoor restaurant. This was a popular event for the locals that it took 20mins of waiting in a line to find a car park. Fortunately, Rita's friends had arrived before us to secure a table. I also discovered that Italians run on Italia time (usually 30minutes later than the time agreed to meet). We drunk Tuscan red wine, ate and laughed. The people at the table laughed at one another practicing their english as they tried to converse with me. Our language barrier frequently resulted in a game of charades. I was really grateful for two of Rita's friends, Caterina and Marco, who were constantly trying to create conversation with me. I was happy to soak in the atmosphere and foreign conversation that was full of expressive hand motions. After finishing our meal we got a taste of a local drink, Ponche, which was an upgraded espresso martini. There was a backyard party with a DJ and lights were the whole family gathered after dinner. I found out that any song that was played had a set choreography to follow. I think people finally realised I was a foreigner when an Italian song played and you had to do the action based on the Italian word. It became obvious I did not know Italian when I was slow to do the actions. We got home and immediately hit the hay after a great night.

My last morning with the stunning Italian family was celebrated with pancakes and a morning at the beach. Then Rita and I enjoyed a roadtrip to Milan. This city had such a chic vibe. We enjoyed real Italia pizza for dinner and explored the amazing the City square. Goodbye Tuscany & Lombardia, hello Veneto.

Next stop --> Treviso & Venezia

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


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