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Change you Attitude, Gain some Altitude

Updated: Nov 18, 2019

The beauty of the outdoors.

The image is overlooking Lover’s Leap and Glenorchy, off-track the Earnslaw Burn track. I woke up early that morning to catch the sunrise. Something we should do more often.

The Sun yawned. Rubbing its heavy eyes after another sleepless night. Reaching out its arms, splashing pink and orange rays generously. Like a big, colourful hug around the mountain. With a warm smile, the Sun awoke the sleepy critters. The Sun peeked over the mountain top, well worth the sleepless nights. Who could sleep when there were so many views to soak in?

There is nothing like being outdoors to breathe in peace. Have you ever felt overworked, stressed, anxious, or wound up in your busy day-to-day life? Have you ever experienced going outdoors when you are in that state of mind? It is incredibly freeing. Within society there's immense pressures, both external and internal, that demand time from us. This can be extremely draining for any individual. I have heard the same excuse from so many people; “I don’t have time”. We, myself included, convince our self that we don't have the time to refuel or restore our own well-being and energy. When in actual fact, we spend more time telling people we are busy than we do being productive. An hour in our day is a small yet essential space that we should go outdoors; connect with our natural environment, to feel refreshed by whatever element the world is showing off that day.

If we begin to incorporate the outdoors into our everyday routine we would be benefiting our health. Whether it is discovering new ways to exercise outdoors (swimming in the ocean, taking a walk at a nearby park/forest), walking to work/school down a street accompanied by trees, or sitting out on a patch of grass during a break or to gain some inspiration for work. It is possible to integrate our lives into the outdoor environment, to reconnect, and get back in touch with our dear friend. Mother Nature is never in a hurry but always gets things done. We should take a message from the Earth and realise that our lives can be simplified and slowed down to regain balance; emotionally/mentally, socially, spiritually, and physically.

Read my next post and you will find out that being outdoors is scientifically proven to be beneficial for your health/hauora.

>>Live Simply, Simply Live << MB

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