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It Really is The Little Things

Updated: Nov 18, 2019

Let’s talk about the little things. Those little, tasty gems of life. Whether it is spending time with a grandparent, picking a flower and giving it to someone, or taking time to enjoy that perfect cuppa tea. These little things are often those simple observations in your mundane routine; someone else cleared the dishwasher, complimented your hair, or merely smiled at you in your day. In our hurried pace of life it is common for us to rush around like headless chickens. By trying to keep our head above water we miss the small joys of our world. Enjoying the little things is really quite simple; be mindful in your day.If you aim to be mindful in your daily life then you will become actively attentive of the present. When you pair mindfulness with gratitude you have the delicious combination that will make you appreciate, and be aware of, the little delicacies of life.

“The splendour of the rose and whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. I realised that if every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness” (St.Thérèse of Lisieux, The Story of a Soul).

How many times have you walked passed a daisy? A simple flower that doesn’t beg for your attention. As you welcome stillness, become mindful, the simplicity of our world will reveal it’s striking beauty to you. Reflecting on three things that you are grateful for at the end of each day will help you achieve greater mindfulness. This small habit will enable you to notice the most meek and ordinary things of life. You will enhance your health and develop practices of self-care through incorporating habits of gratitude into your daily routines.

Intentional actions and decisions for yourself can enrich your hauora . These may be expressed through: dedicating a certain time during the week to spend with a friend, going for a walk along the beach, or selfishly putting some time aside to read that book you have been ignoring for weeks. All of these constructive habits will build a positive foundation for you to maintain a balanced and full hauora. We too often believe that we are too busy; too busy to do something ‘selfish’ that would be truly wonderful for our health.

I have recently been advocating the need to take yourself on a date. Go to the movies by yourself, make yourself a picnic, or be childlike and go jump in puddles on a rainy day. Self-care is an expressway to being kind to yourself. Simple acts of self-kindness actively contribute to the little things that you can be grateful for. So, instead of being grateful to the passive world that is acting upon you (e.g. the sun smiling at you), you are able to nurture your environment to grow wild with an abundance of daisies.

>>Live Simply, Simply Live<<


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